ciss issue tracker

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ciss tutorial

Create a simple ISSUES.txt

Go to your project root and create an ISSUES.txt file with some example content:

Create a Web app

Currently, the only interface to ISSUES.txt is
your favourite text editor.  A small web app
that can be fired up for editing/submitting
issues (on App Engine maybe?) would be super-cool.

You have just created your first issue! Now you may type:


and should see something like this:

[0] Create a Web app

If you want to see more information you can type:

ciss -v

and now also see the body:

[0] Create a Web app
    Currently, the only interface to ISSUES.txt is
    your favourite text editor.  A small web app
    that can be fired up for editing/submitting
    issues (on App Engine maybe?) would be super-cool.

associate an issue to a file

Use your text editor to append to your ISSUES.txt another issue which is associated with some code:

Import from Google code

Make ciss import issues from a Google code issue tracker.
Even cooler would be a round trip, of course :)

We now have a second issue and if we type:

ciss   # show all issues tied to this file

we will only see the second issue like this:

[1] Import from Google code

Associating tags with issues

You can associate one or multiple tags with an issue by using the “tags” keyword. Let’s change our issue to include it:

Import from Google code
tags: feature web

Make ciss import issues from a Google code issue tracker.
Even cooler would be a round trip, of course :)

Matching this issue can now happen by specifying tags:

ciss -t feature
ciss -t feature,web

would both show you the newly created issue.
